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bp-custom code not working

  • @marjwyatt


    The development is running the following versions of software:
    WordPress v3.7.1
    BuddyPress v1.8.1
    Custom BuddyPress theme based on Genesis Framwework v2.0.1

    I have the following code in my bp-custom.php file which I placed in the mu-plugins folder
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘vm_setup_nav’ );

    function vm_setup_nav() {
          global $bp;
          // Remove a menu item
          //$bp->bp_nav['activity'] = false;
          // Change name of menu item
          $bp->bp_nav['settings']['name'] = "Password & Cart Settings";
          // Change name of menu item
          $bp->bp_nav['groups']['name'] = "Circles";

    It wasn’t working. I changed the plugin location from wp-content/mu-plugins to wp-content/plugins and it didn’t work there either. When I put this same code in the theme’s functions file, it works.

    What am I doing wrong?

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  • @modemlooper



    add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘vm_setup_nav’, 999 );

    Could be that your function is running before BP has created the nav items but in functions.php the items are created



    Thanks. That worked!

    So I’m clear on what fixed it … the “999” at the end prioritizes the addition of the action? I’ve looked high and low for an explanation of this number. Since I put bp-custom.php in mu-plugins, it probably was executing prior to crating the nav items.

    As long as I have your attention, have you got a link to a tutorial on how to make the dropdown item labels on the wp-admin bar match those in the profile page?

    Thanks again for the fix and thanks, in advance for answering the subsequent questions.



    the number tells WP in what sequence to place your function when an action fires. 999 is just a super high number to force it at the end after everything else.

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