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BP default theme – can it be made to be fixed width very easily please?

  • @nzde


    Hi there

    BuddyPress is fantastic. Really fantastic. Thanks to Andy and the crew.

    I’ve a question please regarding the default theme. Obviously it’s a flexible width theme, adjusting up to a maximum width of (I don’t know what) when you’re using a large monitor.

    I’m wondering how easy it would be to select a fixed width for the theme please. The reason is that I’m keen on doing a modified home page but the flexible width may play a bit of havoc with the posting of images, videos etc when one moves from one monitor size to another.

    Does anyone know whether this’d be an easy fix please?

    Many thanks


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  • @bowromir


    Making it fixed is really easy..

    1: Open up default.css (_inc/css/default.css) and right at the first few lines under the “body” selector change this:

    min-width: 960px;

    max-width: 1250px;

    to this

    min-width: 960px;

    max-width: 960px;

    Now open up adminbar.css and do the same.. done!



    Don’t do that, create a new child theme and override the default css by adding the above into your child themes style.css. Otherwise you will lose the changes on upgrade.



    Woops.. forgot to mention that.. forgive me I was still hungover ;)



    If its the only change, its better to do it in the default css only and again do it at every upgrade. It would be better in terms of performance but if you are using lots of CSS stylers then better go for a child theme :)




    I wouldn’t recommend that. Andy’s method is the preferred method.

    I think the performance hit in using child themes is minimal.




    @import for CSS is expensive

    Using a child theme for small modification adds two of them



    First I’ve hear of that. I’ll have to do some searching. I’ve never considered @import to be “expensive”.



    @ashfame, it only adds one @import request if you do your overrides in the same CSS file.


    @import url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/style.css );

    #content {WHATEVER;}

    more overrides here



    Cool. Thanks so much for this tweak. Very much appreciated.




    I belive you will come up with something which is more informative :)


    what about the adminbar.css ?

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