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bp-group-calendar – not updating group activity

  • @nit3watch


    when I create an event, it doesn’t update the group activity, ie: ‘active 3 days, 23 hours ago’ when I just created a event..
    It does show ‘admin created an event for the group “Example group: 45 minutes ago” on the group’s home page and on the activity tap..

    If I wanted to look in the code so I can find a solution, what should I be looking for? Not asking any1 to do it for me, just need to know what I’m meant to be looking at.

    I have asked the plug-in author to update the plug-in but he’s preoccupied and my membership was for one month, after which I cant receive updates, registered specifically to dl the bp-group-calendar plug-in and the group activity is a necessity to my current project.

    If you need more info or code just ask, the plug-in is GNU 2

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  • @nit3watch


    @Dwenaus I read that “I changed the plugin substantially”

    Did you manage to get the activity sorted, as you said, “I requested all these things at WPMU-Dev but they basically said no, not interested”. Here’s the link to my post:

    5 days between replies for a paid service isn’t what I expected for the money I paid, neither plug-in’s that dont have basic functionality. Would of rather donated to the changes you made on the plug-in..

    Any one that thinks they can help me or fix the plug-in, ill send it your way as it is GNU 2



    Hi, with my limited experience with them I think that WPMU-DEV is heavy on slick marketing and soft on support and coding quality. They did not code this plugin themselves – they hired it out to a very junior programmer who did a so-so job. But maybe they are providing the community some service, not sure, maybe their other plugins are great and worth it, but this calendar plugin was border-line.

    @nit3watch, I’ll look into this issue…



    Would be interested to see this code, as well as Derek’s changes to it.

    I hate what WPMU-Dev did to the free plugins section on their site. Luckily, most of all the good WPMU plugins are now hosted on!



    I officially hate the calendar plugin developed by WPMU-DEV. It took me about 15 minutes to fix this simple problem because there was so much code cruft in there. there was a function that SHOULD save the group activity update, but it was hooked in improperly. so then there was another long-winded function which was totally unnecessary because a built in BP one already exists. any way – very poor plugin. I don’t want to support it any more so I’m not re-releasing it. total crap.

    Fix: at the very end of the bp_group_calendar_reg_activity() function ( around line 390) add this:

    groups_update_groupmeta( $bp->groups->current_group->id, 'last_activity', gmdate( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) );

    good luck!



    @Dwenaus if you’d like as a ‘donation’ let me know if there’s any plug-ins that you might be interested in on their site and Ill check the licenses. I think they are all GNU 2, not sure.
    @r-a-y send me an email and Ill reply with the plug-in attached ( this is legal right? ), nit3watch

    Hopefully the developers here can better some of their work and better the bp community.

    Edit: thanks just saw your fix



    hi @nit3watch, all donations are welcome, even small ones keep the developers happy :). send paypal donations to

    I don’t need anything from their website, I think I might still be a member- ( i bought three months). And yes, as far as I know it is fully legal. what you pay for is membership and access to the plugins, but the plugins themselves, by law, need to be GNU license. There are sneaky ways around this for some plugin developers, but WPMU-DEV has not used them. share away, but be conscious, For example, if WPMU-Dev is activity supporting a plugin, then sharing it with the community without continued support might be a dis-service. also forking a project and not supporting it in the future is also a dis-service to the over-all community. That is if they actually support their plugins, which the do to a degree.



    @Dwenaus what version of the plug-in do you have? As im not finding the function.
    It should be in bp-events.php right? tried searching the other files aswell

    The current version is 1.1 Should I send it to you?



    version 1.5 – my own version, as I’ve forked it for my own use. I’ve left the trunk behind because I changed it drastically.



    sure send me it if you want, and I can see if there are any goodies I can add back to my version.



    @Dwenaus after making a huge fuss they updated the plug-in. So thanks but it’s cool now

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