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BP Members Count

  • @wp_new_user



    on the members page, there’s the line before the members loop:
    Viewing 1 – 24 of 29 members

    when the loop is sorted alphabetically, the number of users is 38 (the user count in my admin dashboard), when sorted by Last active or Newest Registered, the number of users is 29.
    I see, the 9 other users are Never active, so they only registered.

    1.) I wonder if my assumption is correct, so if a user makes an activity the number of last active and newest registered users will be increased by 1?

    2.) Is there a way to always show the actual number of users, no matter they made any activity or not?

    3.) In my registration form I have an obligatory profile field (Bio), so I want to make it so that when a user activates their account, an activity is made by them posting the content of their Bio field.
    I think this way Never active label will disappear and the number of users will always be the same regardless the sort options. Is this correct? please, advise.

    Thank you,

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  • @sharmavishal


    BP considers activated users when they login to the website. else it doesnt.

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