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BP pages not functioning – permalink issue?

  • @abbersbolton


    I’m having a problem with BP elements of my site. I can successfully see blog posts and home page, and all pages load something, but the BP pages e.g. activity, members etc only load with “Edit” or “edit this page” depending on which theme it’s with. I’ve tried with Custom community, BP default, Fanwood. Same problem exists regardless of theme. When events manager is activated, the events page says “Page not found”.
    I’ve tried to change permalinks settings to custom setting:
    and i’ve tried the other options with day and name, month and name. When i change to the custom setting above, the pages bring up a 404 error, then when it returns to the index.php/…….. permalink, the pages aren’t working properly.
    I’m using latest stable versions of WP and BP, as well as a few plugins, e.g. events manager, activity plus. i’ve deactivated all except BP and problem still exists.

    Incidentally, the themes page shows that twentyeleven and twentyten themes are installed but stylesheets are missing. It might have nothing to do with it but I just thought it’s worth mentioning.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated as it’s driving me up the wall. I’ve already abandoned transferring a local site and started from scratch after so many issues!


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  • @shanebp


    Is your server using apache?
    Do you have an .htaccess file ? (look in the directory where you keep wp-config,php )
    If so, it should look something like this:


    order allow,deny
    deny from all

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress



    Hi Shane thanks for your reply.
    No I don’t seem to have one. I installed WP using a one-click script after problems I had with transferring my site from offline version and there’s no .htaccess file there. Is it vital? What should I do?
    Also apparently my web server isn’t using Apache it’s running Zeus. I don’t know how this affects my site, so any help appreciated!
    Thanks for your help.



    Also read that my host blocks xmlrpc.php file – could this affect buddypress? There’s a way around it using a plugin to rename it in scripts which I will try if someone can tell me if I need to do it? Thanks.



    Ask your hosting provider for help re converting Apache mod rewrites for Zeus.



    Ok it does give help on the knowledge base about a rewrite script. I don’t exactly understand what I’m rewriting as I’m a bit of a newbie to it all – is the modrewrite script important?

    It tells me to create a file called rewrite.script in the web folder and enter my code and it shows this:
    `#Zeus webserver version of basic WordPress mod_rewrite rules
    map path into SCRATCH:path from %{URL}
    look for file at %{SCRATCH:path}
    if exists then goto END
    look for dir at %{SCRATCH:path}
    if exists then goto END
    match URL into $ with ^/wp-.*$
    if matched then goto END
    match URL into $ with ^/(.*)
    set URL = /index.php/$1`

    Do you know if I simply copy this code or am I supposed to modify it for myself?




    I just copied the code as is in to the script file as I said and updated permalinks and now the site is working as it was meant to!! This might be the answer to several problems I’ve been having! I wish these hosting companies would just do everything the same to save the hassle!!
    Thanks ShaneBP for your help.

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