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BP RC1 Activation error

  • @arghagain


    After upgrade to RC1, and try to sign up as a test user, the signup process went well, and then test user got the username and password to show up at the confirmation link when you clicked on the confirmation email’s link. Here is when thing went wrong. When a test user clicked on the login link on the confirmation link that showed the user’s password and username, after login, the user got redirect to a page that had url like this yourwebsite.domain/buddypress/yourwebsitename.domain/. Shouldn’t user get redirect to yourwebsite.domain/wp-admin/? Because the page it’s redirecting to only show an empty default blog page with no content or what-so-ever.

    I looked into bp-core-activation.php and saw this . Should the code be like $current_site->wp-admin/?

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  • @arghagain


    I noticed that the very last part of the code block $current_site->domain is only redirect user to yoursite.domain/buddypress/user/yoursite.domain/

    I think I need to add $current_site->domain.’something here’ But what should I insert in .’something here’? I want to insert like member’s profile page, so how do I do that?

    For now I revert that very code back to an older version code which used .



    Let’s start with how you have mu installed and configured. How do you have mu configured? As a subdomain or subdirectory install for new blogs? Do you have mu installed in a subdir under the document root?

    We need to figure out what your login link should be then why it isn’t what it should be.



    I have tested the demo site of buddypress and it’s experience the same exact thing! :(. I had mu configured as subdirectory. Subdomain can get quite messy! Mu under subdirectory structure but it’s also in a subdirectory of a server’s main domain name.



    OK. You currently have mu installed in /<docroot>/musubdirectory and it’s configured for subdirectory blogs. Gotcha.

    Lemme go look at and my install and see what’s going on. Can I get a link to your site please. I’ll try that first.



    my link for my site is and I modified for it to go to wp-login.php, and so even if you try on my site, you won’t be able to reproduce the error. It’s best for you to try on buddypress demo website. Though I want that to redirect to member’s profile, and so I don’t really know how to do that now. How did I redirect to wp-login.php? I looked at the older file from previous version, and used the older version’s method.



    Fixed in latest trunk

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