To be clearer, I’d expect to see a menu item for ‘Blog feeds’ in the Group submenu above the view filter dropdown and activity listing et al, so that we’d have something like
Home * Admin * Forum * Members (234) * Send Invites * Blog Feeds
The Admin item would only appear when logged-in as one, of course.
I’m don’t think I’m seeing your issue of ‘manually’ needing to initiate an update but the rest of what you stated is accurate for my situation. I’ve been confused as to whether this is how it’s supposed to work in 1.2 – or if an update is needed or if there’s a problem with my wpmu/bp installation. Functionality on BP 1.1 was different and better for my needs than on 1.2. As of now, I only see external feeds in the ‘Home’ page of the Group. I’m also getting double entries for some reason (as shown in link):
I’m currently running BP 1.2 on my WP 2.9.1 (single user ), after that I’ve made my old niss theme BP compatible (it worked like a charm).
After activating the external group plugin, I get this php error :
Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in /homepages/…./blog/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-groups.php on line 2454
sorry if it’s a newbee question, i’m no php guru, far from it
thanks in advance for any help
I need to fix this plugin. In 1.2 instead of a pointless extra tab – you now get a new entry in the drop down filter. The old tab in 1.1 was basically a duplication of the activity stream with a filter.
OK @andy I will be waiting, no problem
by the way, thanks for the good job ; BP 1.2 is really a BIG step ahead
With the codex tutorial, I installed BP on my old theme for WP single, it didn’t take me more than 10 minutes and it works like a charm
thanks again
Thanks Andy, looking really forward to it! As I have mentioned before – I like it very much as it is now (without a pointless extra tab) – but it doesn’t pull acitvity without visiting the admin-area and push the button (same stuff with some other issues on the twitter-plugin)
See my older thread with more detail here:
Thanks Andy — looking forward to the updated plugin.
If it updates itself without being touched and throws stuff into the Activity stream, with a filter that you can apply in the dropdown, I’ll be happy as. I’d still like the option to be able to see the RSS item stream (as a filtered activity stream or whatever) in the actual Group interface, too, if possible, as well as being mixed in with global activity.
Oh, yeah, I reported this elsewhere (the 1.2 plugin compatibility thread), but I’m also getting errors on adding RSS streams when creating a new Group, but I’ve found if I back out through the ‘wizard’ and do it again, it ‘takes’.
I’m sorry, I’m an idiot. I didn’t read the readme.txt, just installed through the WPMU interface, and only (after months), just now discovered that you need to move the bp-groups-externalblogs.php file to the /plugins folder.
It seems to be working fine now in terms of updating feeds automatically — all that’s left on my wishlist is some UI goodness for BP1.2, and I can go live with 1.2 on my site, I think.
EDIT: Or maybe not. This is frustrating. Suddenly, all the updates via RSS that appeared in the stream have now disappeared again. I am very very confused.
Just upgraded to v1.2.1 of the plugin, and things seem to be working OK! Thanks, Andy!
Will report back if stuff goes wonky again.
One note — I got errors in activation when trying to move the bp-groups-externalblogs.php file to the /plugins root following the instructions in the readme.txt. Leaving it and loader.php in the /external-group-blogs folder seemed to work OK though, so….
Should that be way to do it — just leave the files in the external-group-blogs folder?
Things are looking good! One last thing I’d like to ask about/request: previously, we could link from elsewhere into a single page that displayed all the RSS items for a group, like With the advent of dropdown filtering, that doesn’t seem to work anymore, which I understand, but I’d love to be able to do.
Is there anyway we can pass a parameter in a URL, say, that would autofilter the Group page on load, to show RSS feeds (or any of the other ‘sections’ in the Group)? I’d really like to be able to do this, rather than just linking to the Group with instructions (for non-savvy users) to click on the filter button..
I’m talking to myself here, it feels like after all these comments, but MAJOR BUG FOUND (I think).
I can get to the
without being logged in, and edit the feeds list! That seems like it might be a Very Bad Thing.
If you are a site admin then you can get to any group admin page. Try as a normal user.
What I’m saying here is that without being logged in at all, as just a random visitor, you can get to the admin page to edit external blog feeds, complete with Update button, if you know the URL, like the one above.
Testing as a logged-in non-admin user (subscriber level) has the same effect.
Have a look at this URL ( — you should be able to see the relevent admin page for that group, despite the fact that you have no credentials to do so.
@stwc – I confirm the same issue on my site with full public access to the external blog admin area. I noticed you’ve got duplicate external blog posts on your group home. That’s an improvement over the 5 duplicates I’m getting for each external blog post. Keep talking to yourself… I think you’re on to something
Thanks, Mark. I thought I was going crazy there for a while!
Yeah, it’s just the one feed from one site that’s giving me 5 duplicates, actually, I think. Scratching my head over that one.
posted my temp fix for the dups – and i haven’t seen any on my site since the change
Hi , Is there are a way to redirect avatar link to group page instead of sending the user to members page.
When i am using External group blog. The posts coming from external sites have avatar of this group but the avatar link is redirecting to members page i want this to redirect to Group page. Where should i change the code.
@sastry Please please please do not post the same question in ten different threads. It is disruptive to those monitoring for new information, and it makes it more likely that any answers to your question will be fragmented across the site. When you have a question that has not been asked before, your best bet is to start a new thread rather than bombarding a bunch of old ones.
In fact in one of those other old threads you post the same question twice and with a 2 minute interval I fail to see that it could have been an error. Please observe what Boone has said above and do not post in this manner any further. the old posts shall be set to read only.
great plugin! im using it right now, im looking for something else even so:
Short scenario description: scientists of different fields forming workgroups. Collecting and presenting really different scientifical articles (rss) to each other. Those rss have to be structured.
We are using the external group blog plugin until now. In our case the possibility to classify rss-feeds to certain groups is really necessary and a must have. Even though this is not going far enough. im looking for the possibility to allocate external rss-streams to sub-blogs or sub-forums of a certain group so that the flood of information is again more structured. Any hint? May is put it on xmas-wishlist? The possibilty of adding rss to group-forums would do the job already 