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bp_forums_setup error on activation

  • @sclough


    I’m trying to upgrade our BuddyPress install from 1.0.3 to 1.1.2. I’ve read the docs and when I did the upgrade, I now get the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_forums_setup() (previously declared in /path_to_site/web/content/wordpress-mu/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums.php:17) in /path_to_site/web/content/wordpress-mu/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums.php on line 30

    I’ve disabled every other plugin and even looked at the BuddyPress code and didn’t notice a problem. Does anyone have any idea what’s causing this error?

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  • @jeffsayre


    Read the first section in this thread and see if that solves your issue:



    I re-read that page, but I don’t see anything that addressed my issue. I’ve disabled all other plugins (even though they didn’t have buddypress dependencies and I’m just trying to re-activate the plugin.



    I’m really confused. I even tried the previous version of the plugin and it has the same error. I also went ahead and removed the bp-themes directory in case that was an issue. I have checked every single thing I know to (even the mu plugins directory. What could possibly cause this issue?



    The first time you upgraded BP from 1.0.3 to 1.1.2, did you manually upgrade or use the automatic upgrade feature of WordPress?

    What I would recommend is trying this:

    • Make a backup copy of your DB if you have any data worth saving
    • Make a backup copy of your bb-config.php file-assuming that you had forums integrated before
    • Deactivate all non-BP plugins
    • Deactivate BP
    • Delete the old BP files located in the /buddypress/ directory
    • Temporarily remove all plugins from /plugins/–copy them to a temp folder outside your install
    • Manually upload a fresh copy of BP 1.1.2 and move the contents of /buddypress/bp-themes/ into their proper place
    • Remove your /wp-content/bp-themes/ directory–assuming that you have moved it back into place since your last post
    • Reactivate BP
    • If no error, choose and activate the new default BP theme

    Does BuddyPress version 1.1.2 now work? If so, add back your other plugins and activate them.



    I got the exact same error after those steps. I noticed that if I comment out the lines causing the error, it raises the same error on the next function…



    Which version of WPMU are you running?

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