afaik, bp_friends_prime_mentions_results
is called by the Activity component.
So why is it being called by comments on a WP post?
The default avatars are coming from
You can turn off gravatars – google it.
Or this might help:
Thank you so much for your response. I installed the local avatars plugin and that has helped.(thanks for writing it).
I am not sure why it is getting called on that page. Any idea where I should look to see why?
I do not have anything else but buddypress loaded to be calling this function. Is there a way to override this function to exit out without modify plugin code?
// Bail out if the site has a ton of users.
if ( is_multisite() && wp_is_large_network( ‘users’ ) ) {
Would like it to just be:
// Bail out if the site has a ton of users.
if ( wp_is_large_network( ‘users’ ) ) {
Ok doing more testing if we deactivate “Activity Streams” in BuddyPress it stops calling this function on this page. Is there a way to keep this enabled but turn it off through remove actions on this page template?
I’m experiencing a similar issue with 6k members, I can’t imagine the size of requests at 30k+…
It seems like mine was triggered by use of RTmedia, cause is described in this ticket, together with a patch:
If you’re using their plugin/s this could have been a cause.
Btw cool site 🙂 and congrats on the user count.