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bp_has_members problems

  • @intervik


    Working 6 month with a Bp project and stumble upon this problem in v 5.7 (Not using 6.x) . When running a function with bp_has_members() when viewing another members profile IT ALWAYS filter the viewed members Friends list. In members directory -everything works fine.

    Tried everything. only returns displayed members friends id

    I made in funtions.php a call to :
    function whatever(){
    if ( bp_has_members(“type=online”) ) { ?> //bp_has_members() only does NOT work either

    $id = bp_get_member_user_id();
    if(!user_invisible_mode($id)) $COL[] = $id;

    <?php }

    I need the loop to work/ return/ go trough all members when calling this funtion on profile views.

    IS THERE a override in the core files that pushes profile -actions- just-filter-friends here?

    THANKS for any help!

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