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bp_members() loop is only pulling one member.

  • @caldwellysr


    I’m learning BuddyPress for the first time and I’ve been stumbling along trying to get this figured out to no avail. I have two WP_Users set up. Since I’m using the 2.2 beta I have defined 3 member roles (User, Bar, Admin). I have gone into both members profile’s and made sure everything on xProfile is filled out so from everything I can see they’re both WP users and BP members. However when I run the members loop I’m only seeing the first one show up.

    This is the loop I have:

    	if(bp_has_members()) { 
    		while(bp_members()) { bp_the_member();
    			<a href="<?php bp_member_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo bp_get_user_firstname(); ?></a><br />
    	} else {
    		<h1>YOU HAVE NO MEMBERS</h1>
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  • @r-a-y


    In order for members to show up in the member loop, they must have logged in at least once.

    Can you verify that the user has logged in? If so, does that user show up in the loop?



    That was absurdly simple. I assumed I could create a bunch of test users and they would show up. Didn’t realize I had to log in with each one as well.

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