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Broken links and limit profile

  • @ffemtkl


    Basic info about my site:

    WP version 2.9.2
    BP Version
    installed in Subdirectory
    Using standard BuddyPress theme

    #1 – How do I change the linking and URL structure?

    I have my site installed in a directory /WPplatform/ and have wordpress setup so it is my main website (meaning go to and it is the blog). I did this by moving the .htaccess file and the index.php file to the root directory. This made is that at no time did it ever so the directory structure in the URL, so all the URLs left out the /WPplatform/ part, example, if you went to a category it was (which still words).

    After installing BP many links (not all but many of the main ones BP created) link using the directory structure like /WPplatform/members/, even the main link to my home page is /WPplatform (which is a 404 page).

    How do I set it up that the BP plugin does not show or link to any part of my site with the /WPplatform/ in the URL?

    #2 – How do I only show base information in profile, but not additional fields I added?

    I want to setup the profile page in a way that when an NON logged in person veiws a members profile page they only see the base information and not the additional fields I created. I created these fields in a different field group.So…

    Field group A – shows to non-logged visitors
    Field Group B – closed to members only

    Is this possible? Anyone know were to even start trying to do this?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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