If you are using a cache plugin turn it off for mobile devices.
What cache plugin should I use?
Cache might not be the issue, is that photo page a custom page template?
Ok, go into buddymobile plugin folder and duplicate page.php and turn it into a custom page named same as the one in your regular theme folder.
But then won’t that make every page look like a mobile version
No. The plugin has its own theme files. You just need to create a mobile version of your custom page inside the plugin folder. buddypress-mobile/templates/default/page.php <- duplicate and convert to custom
how do you duplicate in the editor?
or only in the cPanel?
But then on the phone I still want the mobile version
Better to use FTP, there are many free FTP programs.
but do I change it to custom.php?
You need to name is the same as what is in your desktop theme folder.