For me too. **** it. After I upgraded to BP 1.2.4, my Dutch language files in the BP-languages folder were gone :'(.
After all my hard work, I can start again
@hans, red: You just copy your language into bp-language in buddypress.
I’m really embarrassed to say it but, that did the trick, thanks.
When you use the automatic upgrade feature, then all custom files, including all language files in bp-languages, in the BP folders will get deleted. Actually, you could specify a folder outside of BP in which to upload your language files. No more problems when you upgrade…
load_textdomain( ‘buddypress’, BP_PLUGIN_DIR . ‘/bp-languages/buddypress-‘ . BPLANG . ‘.mo’ );
You want to modify that 2. parameter. Doesn’t really apply to the WPML plugin, though, I guess. Just thought I’d put it out there…
@Travel-Junkie, nice hack, worth to be posted on the codex. But where do we put that, bp-custom?
We’re going to try to locate the language files in a better place for 1.3; I suggest you take a look through; if you can’t find a ticket for this valid suggestion already, make a new one, thanks