@marisams – disable ALL plugins, switch back to default theme like 2014.. reenable buddypress.. does it work?
Also check to see if you have anything in wp-content/mu-plugins/ or anything in wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php
@djsteveb – I disabled all the plugins; I have reenabled only BP, I have switched back the theme (2014) and BP is still not working.
I have no folder like /mu-plugins/ and no file like bp-custom.php inside the WP content.
I dont know how to go on…
Thank you very much for your assistance!
I think we need to look at one of the problems at a time, otherwise we’ll never figure it out. Let’s take creating a new Group as an example.
Please can you explain exactly how you are creating a group (including what content you’re entering for the group name and group description, and so on), and how far you get through that process before you some kind of error message.
Thank you very much Paul for your help.
Unable to create new groups after WP 4.1 upgrade because the option does not appear to create a new group or create new topics or to change the profile image, even to the admin.
There are only two groups created before the upgrade.
Where doesn’t the option appear? Are you able to take a screenshot to help explain?
Yes, Paul. Please, take a look:
I’m logged as admin. Here the Activity page:

and here the Groups page:

No “create new group” option or button appears
neither “create new topic” in the forum page
I have switched back the theme to “Mantra” because the site looks very bad with 2014, as @djsteveb suggested. All the plugins disabled except BP.
Before the upgrade to WP 4.1, BP was working very well. BP was integrated with s2Member plugin (now disabled) that was the core of my membership site.
Thanks for your assistance.
Hi @marisams
I have switched back the theme to “Mantra” because the site looks very bad with 2014
Aside from the aesthetics of Twenty Fourteen, does the problem happen when you use that theme? I think earlier on in this thread you mentioned it does still happen.
How about Twenty Fifteen? If so, then we can rule out it being a theme issue.
Hi Henry,
Using fourteen the problem remains. I think it is not a theme issue.
How about Twenty Fifteen. Can you try with that theme enabled?
Yes, Henry. The problem remains with Twenty Fifteen too.
Please, see this screenshot:

No “create new group” option appears neither “create new topic” in the forum page.
The same thing with Fourteen and with Mantra.
The “Create a Group” link is available in the WP Admin Bar — “WP Admin Bar > Groups > Create A Group” — or on the Groups Directory page (example.com/groups/ usually).
The “Create New Topic” button is only available on a group’s “Forum” page if you installed the bbPress forum plugin and when you have connected a group with a forum.
Further to what @r-a-y said, I just wanted to make sure you’re logged in? I’m sure you are, but can’t see from the screenshot
Hi Henry,
During the last hour I had a problem with my WP admin key. I corrected it. And yes, I’m logged in.
I found a configuration error after reenabling BP. I can now create new topics and change profile picture. But I can not create new groups even as administrator.The problem remains and it is not a theme issue.
I got the same problem after upgrading WP and BP to the latest version: the “Create a Group”- button is missing.
I copied the link from WP Admin Bar > Groups > “Create A Group” and copy pasted it in a menu. Prefer the button!
How do we create a “Create a Group” button?