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Buddypress 2.2.0-bp-languages doesn't work

  • @el_sasori69


    I just upgraded to BuddyPress 2.2.0 and well, I saw that the bp-languages folder was deleted, so I created again and put the old file that I haved the same file that I translated by my own but it didn’t works, I tried creating the po file again with the pot file in the buddypress plugin folder, but It doesn’t work. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m feeling pretty frustated. By the way I made an Espanish translation(es-ES) I check all the minimal details, is anyone else having this problem? the filename “” so I don’t have any ideo, something strange, even without no translation file, some parts(the MPs System) are partially translated.

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  • @r-a-y


    Put your language file here:

    And you will not have to worry about upgrades removing your language file.



    Thank you r-a-y that worked inmediatly, But I just realized that now some parts are not translated, I guess that they added some extra lines or something but you really help me, does it work for all plugins or themes? I mean I use “sb-login” plugin in my web and the “Hueman” theme, could I do this: “/wp-content/languages/sb-login/” “/wp-content/languages/Hueman/” ?



    You have to merge your .pot file with the latest one located in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/buddypress.pot.

    Read the “Updating your custom language file” section of this codex article:

    Customizing Labels, Messages, and URLs

    For other plugins, placing your custom translations in /wp-content/plugins or /wp-content/languages/plugins/ should work.




    guess you’re wrong !

    Put your language file here:
    And you will not have to worry about upgrades removing your language file.

    /wp-content/languages/buddypress/ is the directory where glotpress uploads the BP translation file.

    – when the directory is empty ( a first install for example)
    – when the mo file is old
    – the file is also checked when you modify your site language

    To test, make main site to english, throw an old BP .mo into that directory
    Revert site language to fit this mo and you’re immediatly invited to update your translation.

    The place to put a custom po/mo is /wp-content/languages/ in this directory is not overwriten.

    But it’s unclear to me (for the moment) if this directory is completly overwriten when WP updates ?
    But i’m sure it was not the case in the past < BP 1.9/WP 3.9 😉



    danbp – You’re right. My technique will work, but would get overwritten when translations are automatically updated.

    I just checked and WordPress saves automatic translations to /wp-content/languages/plugins/ so we should be safe if custom BP translation files are saved to /wp-content/languages/buddypress or /wp-content/languages.

    WordPress might say that there is a new BuddyPress translation, but if you’re using the custom method, then you can ignore the notice as BuddyPress will keep using the custom translation file.

    To tell WordPress to stop fetching automatic translations for BuddyPress, see:



    Thxs @r-a-y, i adopt your plugin ! Though the securest way to keep customisation in place. 😉

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