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  • @kostasbarkas30


    Hello guys,

    I am relatively new to buddypress. Recently i installed facebook-like theme a wordpress theme from and buddypress the most recent installation (2.3.2) but i cannot see add friends button, private message button and public message button in my profile. i am the admin and only user in the buddypress installation and i develop the site locally. i even tried to copy some functions from bp default theme in my functions php theme but still nothing.
    i changed themes tried tewnty three theme and others theme still nothing.

    do i need to create another buddypress user?

    please help me i cannot enable the buttons

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  • @djsteveb


    @kostasbarkas30 – disable all other plugins except buddypress.
    might want to add another user just in case that’s an issue.
    switch to 2014 theme or 2015 theme.
    these “buttons” you are talking about may be tabs, or text – sometimes across the top, with the updated 2014 and 15 I think they are styled to be a side tab kind of display.

    If they display on the default themes and not the one from linash – then you will need to contact them and ask why.



    thanks for your answer @djsteveb but i tried the theme twenty three and still the same. i also tried other themes and still. nowhere the buttons.

    Moreover i installed a plugin called compliments and with this plugin the button send compliments there is a button called send compliments down the profile image. i cannot find the other



    hi @kostasbarkas30,

    i even tried to copy some functions from bp default theme in my functions php theme but still nothing.

    Revert back to the original install by deleting that custom work. then follow @djsteveb advice.

    Keep in mind that you should never install something on WordPRess before WP is working correctly. Same thing when you add, let’s say BuddyPress. In this case, WP and BP should work flawlessly together. Once you hace the built your house, you can add the wallpaper. OMG ! Like IRL ! 😉

    That way, it’s much easier to debug if an issue occurs. 1 is ok, add 2. 1 & 2 are ok. Add 3. 1 & 2 & 3 are ok, and so on.

    Note also that BP-Default theme is no more maintained and is only in for backward compatibility. BuddyPress works on slightly any theme !

    BP has no theme, just some templates with minimal styles. This stuff is stored in bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/. If you need to modify some theme functions, you do it from within a child-theme, in which you copy what you want to change from bp-legacy.

    All this and more, is explained on Codex. Don’t hesitate to read through it, if you’re new to BP !

    We all started a day. Rome wasn’t built in one day. It’s a Long Way to Tipperary . Facebook is unique and BuddyPress is great. Hold on, it’s just the begin ! 🙂



    thanks @danpb. buddypress is really great!!! thanks again for your advises.



    i deactivated all the plugins and still the buttons don’t display at this them only. when i change to other themes buttons are ok. i am considering how to hack this theme so as to have this 3 buttons in my theme

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