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Buddypress and Restrict Content Pro Membership

  • @eluyawi


    Hi There,

    How can I add the section membership account of Restrict-content-PRO plugin (It’s a shorcode [subscription_details]) as a new field in the Buddypress dashboard?

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  • @vapvarun



    You can use the following code snippet to create a new tab to display at BuddyPress Profile.

    // Function to add a custom tab for Membership Details in the BuddyPress profile
    function wbcom_rcp_buddypress_add_membership_tab() {
        global $bp;
        // Define a new navigation item for the BuddyPress profile menu
            'name' => __('Membership', 'textdomain'), // The name of the tab
            'slug' => 'membership', // The slug for the tab, used in the URL
            'screen_function' => 'wbcom_rcp_buddypress_membership_screen', // The function that will load when the tab is clicked
            'position' => 50, // Position of the tab in the profile navigation
            'parent_url' => bp_loggedin_user_domain() . '/membership/', // The parent URL for this sub-navigation
            'parent_slug' => $bp->profile->slug, // The slug of the parent navigation item
            'default_subnav_slug' => 'membership' // Default sub-navigation slug
    // Function to handle the display of the Membership Details tab content
    function wbcom_rcp_buddypress_membership_screen() {
        // Add the title and content to the Membership tab using actions
        add_action('bp_template_title', 'wbcom_rcp_buddypress_membership_screen_title');
        add_action('bp_template_content', 'wbcom_rcp_buddypress_membership_screen_content');
        // Load the BuddyPress plugin template for displaying the tab content
        bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins'));
    // Function to set the title of the Membership Details tab
    function wbcom_rcp_buddypress_membership_screen_title() {
        echo 'Membership Details'; // Title displayed on the Membership tab
    // Function to display the content of the Membership Details tab
    function wbcom_rcp_buddypress_membership_screen_content() {
        // Use the shortcode [subscription_details] to display membership information
        echo do_shortcode('[subscription_details]');
    // Hook the function to add the Membership tab into the BuddyPress setup navigation action
    add_action('bp_setup_nav', 'wbcom_rcp_buddypress_add_membership_tab');

    You can use a plugin to add code snippets to your WordPress website using a plugin like “Code Snippets.” This plugin allows you to add custom PHP code snippets to your site without editing your theme’s functions.php file.



    Thanks Varun!, I needed this.



    Hi Varun, I have checked a problem with your code.

    The BuddyPress menu is composed of two parts, a sub menu and the content of the sub menu (I attach a screenshot to explain it).

    In this function, I am written in the content part

    // Function to set the title of the Membership Details tab
    function wbcom_rcp_buddypress_membership_screen_title() {
        echo 'Membership Details'; // Title displayed on the Membership tab

    How can I create a submenu in the SubMenu part of BuddyPress? (In the screenshot it’s vere clear



    I have found the solution.

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