buddypress blogs – want to tweak…
Hi Laura.
Are you talking about the so called “widgets” that display information on your site (I can’t see the items you mention when I visit it)? These are responsible for showing, among other things, categories, recent posts, comments, and so on.
You can remove these from the WordPress admin page, under the Appearance section.
As for the problems with the avatars I’m not sure (I created a test account, MartinNr5, feel free to delete it if you wish). There might be a problem with the graphics library on the host that you have your site with so that the images isn’t processed properly.
Can you check with them to see if they support the minimum requirements for WordPress and buddypress?
I thought they’d be widgets, but when I go to the dashboard for that blog (showcase for example) it says there are zero widgets being used (in the appearance section).
Within the Showcase section (a blog on the site) you can’t see down the left and right side bar is says ‘archives’ ‘categories’ and ‘recent posts’? Just in case, here is the address directly to that section:
I’ll check on the avatars/graphics library as you mention.
Hi again.
I didn’t realize that it was the “sub-blogs” that you we’re talking about when I posted but now I know what you mean.
That kind of functionality is usually handled by widgets but perhaps it’s hard coded into the theme. Are they there no matter what theme you use?
As for the avatars, I’m not sure I’m on the right track to be honest now that I’ve done some digging. The path for your avatars (http://mobiusmanitou.com//avatars/4/alien20-avatar1.jpg) is not even close to the one on my setup (http://komiformguiden.se/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/3/elder_sign_small-avatar1.jpg).
Why those differ I have no real clue to though. Perhaps Trent, Burt or Andy can chime in on that.
for the avatars: i’ve noticed that there is a problem with internet explorer. It just does not show the button for going to the next step. Try with Mozilla and see if it works
sgrunt: if there is a suspected problem with IE, you should detail a report at https://trac.buddypress.org/ so people can check and confirm and fix it.
I’m running IE (8 even) and that’s not the problem with Laura’s site (nor have I’ve seen it on my own setup).
The registration steps works fine, it’s the end result that is the problem.
I haven’t tried switching the theme – that one was chosen so the menus across the top would be easy. Perhaps I could give it a try, though I am reluctant… Also, Martin, you are correct – I am using Safari and FireFox and have the same issue across all with the avatars.
You could try and create a hidden blog and change the theme for just that to see if you can manage the widgets. Alternatively post a link to the theme you’re using and I’ll give it a spin on my setup.
As for the avatars… Do you have the “blog.dir” folder in your “wp-content” folder?
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16 years, 1 month ago
I am new to the whole WordPress and BuddyPress world, but have launched a buddypress site (www.mobiusmanitou.com) that is working nicely. I have a few blogs there (Showcase, FinderMap, and Interviews, located across on the header menu bar) that I want to edit. I’d like to take the Categories, Archive, Subscribe-Comments, and Recent Posts stuff from the sides so it isn’t visible to the viewer. I am guessing this is pretty basic, but I don’t want to runk anything else up by doing it. If it makes a difference, in the Showcase, I am using pages for the entries, not posts as it does what I want otherwise.
Also, I am having trouble uploading my avatar. It opens a window for me to do it, but that is it. I can’t get beyond that point. Is this a known issue, or is it something I am doing?
Thanks in advance!