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BuddyPress causing white screen

  • @colourscope


    The BuddyPress plugin has started recently to cause a white screen only when I login to admin and then View Site. The site is not displayable. When I logout I can see the site again.

    This started not too long ago. The site has been live and working OK for a few months but it just started the other day. I’ve disabled all plugins to find out it was BuddyPress being the cause.

    This may be due to an update/upgrade so I’m presuming it’s happening to a lot of clients using the BuddyPress engine.

    Can you please help me sort it as the site is live and I have registered members who cannot use it when they login?


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  • @r-a-y


    You need to figure out what is causing the white screen.

    Turn on WP_DEBUG and view the notices that are logged or displayed:

    List the notices here if you want us to attempt to diagnose your problem.

    My first guess is your problem is memory-related as your webhost might have restricted memory usage. Or if you’re using a caching plugin that is not correctly configured.



    OK this was the error when I did the wp-debug:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_is_front_page() in /home/longmans/public_html/ on line 21

    I deactivated all plugins and the site was showing.

    I re-enabled BuddyPress as the first plugin and the site did not show when I pressed View Site.

    It’s the BuddyPress plugin but I don’t know what/how to fix it.



    Your problem is using a custom snippet using the bp_is_front_page() function.

    Remove the block of code using that function or comment it out.

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