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Buddypress comment notification

  • @sbaglia


    I’ve used Buddypress for ages in education, and one of the more interesting uses is through this site, where students can link up with scientists for help with their science experiments. Students blog their experiments, and scientists comment on the student blogs.

    The feedback I’m getting from scientists is that it’s a pain to check each blog they have commented on to see if students have replied to their comments. Is there any way where, if a blog post receives a comment, both the blog post author and anyone who has commented on it receive a notification in their toolbar?

    If anyone can help me achieve this, that would be awesome. Please bear in mind, I am no coder.


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  • @sbaglia


    Can nobody help me?



    @sbaglia i too would like to achieve this but have been so busy with doing other things that i have not even looked at how or if this could be done yet, so i +1 this request if anyone has any info on how to do this? it would be awesome if users received notification on blog post comments or for me especially custom post type comments. to me this would infact give complete social network functioning throughout my entire site this way and not just on the buddypress pages.



    Thanks @mcpeanut. Hoping someone will help out.



    @sbaglia i really dont have a clue about this but ive just noticed a recent update on a plugin that adds seperate social networking functions to wordpress that i have been watching for a while, now the idea i had a while ago was wondering if this plugin could infact be ran alongside buddypress just for the comment notifications within wordpress, meaning i was wondering if all other notifications and workings of this other plugin could be disabled and used just for this one specific task, this way users would have a seperate notification system for blog and custom post comments, i really dont know as i have not messed around with them together but i know that this plugin does achieve what we want but seperately to buddypress, maybee you want to have a mess with the idea i had? i just dont have time at the minute and dont know if it will work well with buddypress running too, the plugin is here

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