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Buddypress comment showing in all pages

  • @pelumiemmans



    Wordpress = 4.4.2
    Buddypress = 2.5.1
    website =
    Problem = The buddypress comment feature continues to show comments even after writing “NO COMMENT”. If a user comments in the activity page for instance, that comment will show in registration page after writing “NO COMMENTS”, it will also show at the bottom of the activity page, under the list of groups, in profile page and all other buddy press pages.

    I have disabled the comment ability from my blog posts because of this, but whenever a user comments in activity stream, the comment shows everywhere.

    Pls help!

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  • @christopherwayne


    I have the same problem in my buddypress. You managed to solve it? My website is:




    This comment template is in your theme and has nothing to do with BuddyPress. Best way to ensure is to test with Twenty Fifteen.
    After that, you may need a child-theme and use some template overload. Read documentation.



    Hi @danbp

    I found this code to solve the problem pasting it into funtions.php of my current theme, but it does not work. With the theme Twenty Thirteen not the comment list appears, so it is clear that the issue is a problem I am using.

    add_filter(‘tc_show_comments’, ‘disable_comments_buddypress_pages’);
    function disable_comments_buddypress_pages( $bool ){
    if ( is_page() && is_buddypress() )
    return false;
    return $bool;



    We’re unable to help you for Yoo Helios premium theme.

    Have you assigned a particular template to the mandatory BP pages: activity, members, groups,… ? If yes, remove them, as BP pages must stay “empty”. Just give them a title and nothing else.

    Instead of using an exotic function, better try this solution.

    is_buddypress fn definition: You can tell if a page is displaying BP content by whether the current_component has been defined. More here.




    Sorry, but I can not find a solution to my problem. I tried it with the options you suggest me, but I can not fix it. I’m not using special templates for BuddyPress. It would be good to find a solution by funtions.php that works for all users, as other users have reported a similar problem. Thank you!

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