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Buddypress conflict when previewing new job listsings or resume listings

  • @gettingdownunder


    Hi Guys

    On one of my websites I use WP Job Manager and I’ve been having problems getting the product to work with Buddypress

    When I activate Buddypress it causes a strange preview issue when posting new jobs or resumes.

    Basically if you try and post a new job or post a new resume and select the preview option (prior to making the job or resume live) it generates a 404 error.

    If you press the back button and try and preview again, the preview works fine. I’ve noticed however at this point an account has been generated (I have the option to create an account when registering a new job or posting a resume selected within WP Job Manager) so if I post or preview a new job as a logged in user the previewing option works without a problem.

    So the 404 only happens if someone who is’t signed in tries to post a new job or post a resume and preview it before submitting.

    If I disable buddypress the preview works absolutely fine.

    I have also tested the preview option with buddypress enabled and disabled in the default Twenty Fifteen theme and the same issue exists.

    Hoping you can help with this. I originally raised a ticket with WP Job Manager support and they have told me its a buddypress issue 🙁

    Many thanks


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  • @gettingdownunder


    Hi Guys, really appreciate some support on this one. Still having problems with WP Job Manager integration.






    did you asked on WP Job Manager support forum ? If you didn’t receive any response here, it’s probably because you’re on a BuddyPress forum.

    Untill somebody use the same plugin with BP and know also the same issue, it’s better to ask first the authors of the plugin you try to integrate to BP.

    Meanwhile, have you made some tests and tried to debug your install ?



    Hey @danbp and thanks for your reply.

    Yes I did, I’m having some dialogue with the WP job manager folks now (via their paid channels as I purchased a few of their premium add-ons also) but as their product was working fine (and I’ve been running it with no issues) until I switched buddypress on then they said that I should contact buddypress first.

    I’ll have a play with the debugging option to see if this identifies anything ‘odd’ although to be honest I’m not 100% sure what I’m looking for.

    Appreciate your pointers anyway Dan. Very much appreciated.



    Hi all

    So I’ve been doing some further trouble shooting on this one and it’s just… odd.

    The issue doesn’t seem to be with just buddypress in isolation. It appears to be related to (whatever happens or changes) when buddypress and bbpress are activated at the same time.

    So, I created a brand new install of WordPress and installed WP job manager

    Within WP job manager I have the “allow account creation’ setting enabled when submitting a job listing

    With buddy press installed and enabled by itself I can enter and preview a new job listing without any issues.

    With bbpress installed and enabled (and buddypress disabled) I can enter and preview a new job listing without any issues.

    With buddypress + bbpress enabled at the same time, previewing a job posting takes me to a 404 page not found error message

    The interesting thing is.

    If I leave Buddypress and bbpress enabled but I disable “allow account creation” when submitting a new job listing in WP job manager. The job preview step works just fine.

    So I guess from I’ve been able to ascertain that it is the WP job manager account creation step which is conflicting with ‘something’ that changes on the back end when both buddypress and bbpress are enabled at the same time.

    I have no idea what might change on the backend when bbpress and buddypress are enabled from an account registration perspective so at this point I’m stumped.

    Does anyone have any ideas where I might be able to look next?






    i’m unable to reproduce your issue. I installed WPJM on my test site(latest BP & bbP, 3rd party theme), activate it and used default settings before saving. Worked like a charm, out of the box !

    The plugin created 3 pages, which i added to my theme. 1 as menu item, the 2 other as sub-menu. If you get a 404 on preview, the page

    For the settings, i disallowed account creation. Visitors must be site members to publish a job. Visitors should also not be able to publish when they’re not logged in.

    Check you have the tree pages, and disallow any thing related to account inside the plugin settings and see what goes on.

    Perhaps you trashed some pages and they are still in trash. Clear it. Pages must be unique.



    Hi @danbp

    Firstly, thank you very much for testing this, it’s really appreciated!

    I can validate that if you disallow account creation via the WPJM settings the preview process works fine.

    However please can you also confirm if the same applies with buddypress and bbpress installed and account creation enabled in WPJM? As this is the problem I am having 🙁

    For my set up I require that an account is created as part of the job submission process as my recruiters need the ability to edit the posting, mark the job as filled or review candidate submissions and they can’t do this if they post as guest.

    Without the buddypress and bbpress installations ‘switched on’ this step works fine. However as soon as I activate the two plugins, although an account is still created in the background when posting a job, whatever is happening at the account creation stage when the three plugins are enabled at the same time interrupts the preview of the job posting resulting in a 404 page not found error.

    Many thanks again





    Yes, i confirm. (i use bp and bbp).
    I’m not able to tell you what exactly is going weird at the moment. I’ll investigate deeper as soon i have a little time. Be patient !



    Hi @danbp I hope this note finds you well.

    Just checking in with yourself and seeing if anyone else might have any inspiration with this one.

    Hoping someone can assist 🙂



    Definetly not a BP or bbP issue IMHO.

    – Once you click on preview, you get a page not found. OK
    Because the entered user IS NOT registered as member.
    After the first click he’s registered.

    – If he goes back in browser history to the edit form, and click again on preview he can see it.

    I suppose it’s because of his status change – not member/member.

    And this is defined by the plugin for the job submit form.

    Ask the plugin author again for this.

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