BuddyPress Custimizations
Hi there,
I am new to buddyPress and installed it on my site. My theme doesn’t natively support buddypress so I have to set it up to my liking on my own. Here a few things I want to implement, and it’s a lot but maybe you can help me.
1.) Where can I change the layout of the profile? And make the navigation horizontal
2.) Is it possible to make profiles for users editible from the front end, so they don’t need any backend access? (And upload avatars / covers or choose from existing images)
3.) Is there a free plugin for a facebook like wall
4.) Can I change the address of the notification emails sent so it doesn’t say wordpress@mydomain.com
5.) Is it possible to include a function that gives members the chance to give reationcs on bbpress postings?
6.) can i include member titles / ranks that are display below there image in bbpress postings and beside the username in their profiles
7.) How can users create own groups?
Thank you it’s a lot but I want to offer my users the best experience they can get
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