Buddypress custom notification block does not display notifications themselves
I’m trying to create a block with notifications that should be displayed using a shortcode, but for some reason I get one message (Error: Unable to retrieve notification data.) in the place of the notifications themselves. Tell me where did I mess up?
The code itself:<?php /* Plugin Name: BuddyPress Real-Time Notifications Description: Version: 1.0 Author: */ // JavaScript function bprtn_enqueue_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script('bprtn-scripts', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'scripts.js', array('jquery'), null, true); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'bprtn_enqueue_scripts'); // CSS function bprtn_enqueue_styles() { wp_enqueue_style('bprtn-styles', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'styles.css'); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'bprtn_enqueue_styles'); // function function bprtn_display_notification($notification) { if (isset($notification->component_name) && isset($notification->component_action) && isset($notification->item_id)) { echo '<div class="bprtn-notification">'; echo '<p class="bprtn-description">' . bp_the_notification_description($notification->component_action, $notification->item_id) . '</p>'; echo '<p class="bprtn-date">' . bp_the_notification_time_since($notification->date_notified) . '</p>'; echo '<div class="bprtn-actions">'; // buttons bp_the_notification_action_links(array('before' => '<div class="bprtn-action">', 'after' => '</div>', 'notification' => $notification)); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } else { echo '<p class="bprtn-notification-error">Error: Unable to retrieve notification data.</p>'; } } // function load notifications function bprtn_load_notifications() { $user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id(); $notifications = bp_notifications_get_notifications_for_user($user_id); if (!empty($notifications)) { foreach ($notifications as $notification) { bprtn_display_notification($notification); } } else { echo '<p class="bprtn-no-notifications">No new notifications.</p>'; } } // shortcode function bprtn_notifications_shortcode() { ob_start(); bprtn_load_notifications(); return ob_get_clean(); } add_shortcode('bprtn_notifications', 'bprtn_notifications_shortcode'); // AJAX function bprtn_mark_as_read() { if (isset($_POST['notification_id'])) { $notification_id = $_POST['notification_id']; bp_notifications_mark_notifications_by_id(array($notification_id), 'read'); } wp_die(); } add_action('wp_ajax_bprtn_mark_as_read', 'bprtn_mark_as_read'); ?>
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