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BuddyPress docs don’t work in Twenty Twentythree theme

  • @nycluddite



    I’m using WordPress 6.1.1 running Twenty Twenty-Three theme, BuddyPress Version 11.0.

    I’ve seen similar topics to mine here, which is this:

    BuddyPress Forum works fine, but I cannot create any BuddyDocs, linked to a BuddyGroup. When I try to create on the frontend, I end up on a page that says, “Archives: Doc, Create a Doc” but when I click on the Create a Doc link, nothing happens.

    I can create BuddyDocs on the Dashboard, but can’t connect them to a group.

    I created an open ‘beta’ group if you want to try yourself.

    when i drop back to the Twenty Twenty theme, I can create docs, which makes me think that the issue is somewhere with the WordPress editor.

    When I revert to the Twenty Twentythree theme, the docs I created when using the TwentyTwenty theme are still there and editable.

    What do I need to do with the TwentyTwenty-Three theme to create BuddyDocs?

    robert lewis

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