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Buddypress doesnt really support WP3.x Multisite??

  • @oneearth


    Hi – I have read numerous posts here and elsewhere regarding how to make BP work with WPmultisite.
    However… they are all focussed on using multisite to allow BP members to create their own blogs.
    Whilst this is a cool feature – this is NOT the main purpose of WP multisite!
    As far as I can tell… the various subsites of a WP multisite cannot each have their own BP install.
    BP wants to install in the root site (though I have read the post here about forcing it to use a sub-site).
    Therefore … as far as I can tell… BP does not really support multisite.
    (it just uses the multisite functionality for its own purposes by co-opting the root site and imposing itself on all the other sites).

    Multisite users who want to manage multiple sub sites for distinct purposes –
    where some of those sites will want to be nonBP sites,
    and others will perhaps want their own separate BP installation with their own member database –
    are basically stuffed.
    It took me a couple of hours to come to this conclusion :-(

    Seems to me if I want a BP install I will have to keep it on a separate WP install to my many multisite subsites which are nonBP sites.

    Pleeeezzzze corect me if I am wrong!
    If I am right please make it more obvious that – Buddypress is NOT fully compatible with a normal WP multisite setup. It can only haveone BP member database per WP multisite installation.

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