I’ve come across the Tamriel Foundry by chance one day, so pleased to learn it’s BuddyPress powered 
Thanks @djpaul, you guys really have built a fantastic platform. I’m still a novice when it comes to BP development, but the framework has slotted really nicely into the site, and all the social features (especially groups, which are mostly guilds for us) have been very popular!
Awesome.. Really love how Tamriel Foundry loaded fast (lightweight) though the site carries more than one thousand active members.. I’ll try to suggest some friends to check Tamriel Foundry and see if they can help contribute something.. 
Hey @candeed, thanks for the compliment! I’ve worked hard to integrate BP into my theme as naturally as possible and to keep pages lightweight. However, I would definitely benefit from the advice and collaboration of someone who has more development experience. I hide it pretty well through constant research and lots of hard work, but I’m actually still a huge noob when it comes to this stuff. If you have any friends who are experienced developers and interested in ESO I would definitely like to get a chance to talk to them.
I wanted to update this thread to show off the brand new WP/bbPress/BuddyPress parent theme that I created to serve as the new platform for Tamriel Foundry moving forward.
After a month and a half of development, I’ve shipped it to the live site, and am using my extensive community as unwilling lab rats chasing after cheese and bugs through my Elder Scrolls themed social maze.
I’m particularly happy with the theme functionality and performance so far, and I think it definitely has room to grow and improve further. Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think about my implementation of the BP environment!
Just thought I’d update this to share the changes to TF lately. I’m running the latest versions of BuddyPress (1.7) and bbPress(2.3). Everything is running super smooth. Check out the site, and I hope it can give you some ideas or inspiration for your own communities 🙂
Very cool to find that Tamriel Foundry is built on BuddyPress. I’m actually starting work on an Elder Scrolls Online site myself, and I’m encouraged to see you guys are using BuddyPress as well.
My site will be taking a different direction than yours (although there may be some overlap) and it will be interesting to see the two sites side-by-side once mine is ready.
Curious to see that @puggy! It seems that most ESO fansites I’ve seen are using WordPress — and for great reason, though none pull it off as well as Tamriel Foundry does, if I’m being completely honest. When I created TESOF, I originally intended it to be just a forum, so it was quite a bit of hassle to create certain sections based off of the MyBB forum software itself.
Since Curse, Inc. now owns TESOF, I won’t be taking part in much of the development, but I am making a new project based off of the WordPress/BuddyPress/bbPress combo (unrelated to ESO), and it’s coming along nicely. You can see most of that development on my personal blog. Most of my posts for the last few months are about the new project.
Annnnd, that’s enough of me hijacking @aaclayton’s topic. Keep up the good work with TF, you guys are really flourishing!
Here’s to the Elder Scrolls Online. *Takes a drink*