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Buddypress emails not being sent

  • @gmbyrom


    Hi all

    My site isn’t sending emails for Buddypress actions such as use of @mentions, group join request accepts/rejects, PMs, etc. as it should.

    I’m using the WP Mail SMTP plugin, and sending a test email works correctly and is received. I’ve also done the same with the Check Email plugin and it works correctly. Contact forms also work correctly, sending email to myself.

    So email is configured correctly on the server and is working, but none of the emails in the “emails” page ever get sent to any of the site users.

    How can I fix it? TIA.

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  • @venutius


    I’d try reinstalling the BP emails ( admin>>Tools>>BuddyPress ).



    Yep, done that.
    I THINK I’ve resolved the problem temporarily by using add_filter( ‘bp_email_use_wp_mail’, ‘__return_true’ ); in my functions.php, but I’m not sure that should be needed.
    Separately I’m also using the Buddypress Group Subscription Email plugin and some of the (default) emails in that, such as digests and new activity emails, are still not sending. The Buddypress Core ones are however.



    Guys, developers, do something with this problem, PLEASE! After the last update, all emails related to buddypress were no longer sent. I tried all the options, including github and return to previous versions, nothing helps (((
    Test mail and mail from other plugins, including wp_mail, works like a clock



    Any update on this??

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