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Buddypress Error / Problem on one server/host only.

  • @valuser


    Buddypress Error / Problem on one server/host only.

    Unusual problem.

    Multisite installation wp 4.0 bp 2.1 theme Kleo 2.0 host wpengine

    Will be putting this message on the theme ( Kleo — premium) forum as well.

    A buddypress error is thrown that prevents the activity stream from functioning – on one particular server using one particular theme – Kleo

    In order to demonstrate i have only buddypress and the theme active on username: bingo password: bingo1!

    It appears when using one particular theme on one particular server/host wpengine.

    The error does NOT appear (with a similar configuration) on local installs and does not appear on another server/host (example given same credentials)

    The error reported by wpengine is as follows:

    Thanks for your reply! I’ve taken a look into this issue, and from what I can see, it appears to be an issue with BuddyPress. The caching on the page is fully disabled, and there is only one error popping up consistently in the error log. Could you provide this to BuddyPress to see if they are aware of why this might be occurring on a small install?

    [Sun Sep 28 03:22:31 2014] [error] WordPress database error Out of memory (Needed 4194276 bytes) for query SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.blog_id) FROM wp_bp_user_blogs b LEFT JOIN wp_blogs wb ON b.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND user_id = 1 /* From [] in [/dogdrill/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-blogs/bp-blogs-classes.php:322] */ made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), call_user_func_array, bp_init, do_action('bp_init'), call_user_func_array, bp_setup_nav, do_action('bp_setup_nav'), call_user_func_array, BP_Blogs_Component->setup_nav, bp_get_total_blog_count_for_user, bp_blogs_total_blogs_for_user, BP_Blogs_Blog::total_blog_count_for_user

    Any help greatly appreciated – as i’d spent quite a while doing this locally.

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  • @henrywright


    Hi @valuser

    I’d guess this is a memory issue. The error message tells us that the following query fails and that 4194276 bytes is needed.

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.blog_id) FROM wp_bp_user_blogs b LEFT JOIN wp_blogs wb ON b.blog_id = wb.blog_id WHERE wb.deleted = 0 AND wb.spam = 0 AND wb.mature = 0 AND wb.archived = '0' AND user_id = 1

    Have you looked into what is currently used as the memory limit?

    Try increasing your memory limit in your php.ini file like this:

    memory_limit = 32M



    Many thanks, @henrywright, for your response and support.

    Your suggestion was what the theme developers also suggested.

    As far as I am aware, on wpengine users are unable to access their php.ini. file.

    Perhaps i might define the memory in wp-config.php which is accessible ! ??

    In the meantime i have replicated/tested a SUCCESSFULL implementation on THREE other servers (bluehost, hostgator & hostingireland).

    All are basic bog standard very very cheap shared hosting and carrying a multisite/buddypress installation – and all that that entails. (and one of these is very slow which is understandable)

    However the latest response from a very considerably more expensive wpengine is

    As for the issue with the memory limit on the server, this is unfortunately a limitation on the server here.

    Since our server is configured to stop the sites set up on it from running anything that could impact the performance we wish to give to our customers.

    The best option moving forward on our platform is to optimize that function to use less memory.

    I would recommend contacting the developer to see if we can get some information from them as to how that can be done.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions!

    Thank you and have a great day!




    The bit that I can’t quite wrap my head around, 4194276 bytes isn’t much. It amounts to ~ 4 megabytes. I would have thought WPEngine could handle more than that. It isn’t like you’re doing some dynamic image editing which requires 100mb + memory. Can you find out from WPEngine what their memory limit actually is? If it’s more than 4mb then there could be something else at play here. If it’s less than 4mb then the issue is almost certainly their memory limit.

    Just to note, you could try setting the memory limit in .htaccess but some hosts may not honour it depending on their setup.




    So maybe wpengine is running default 32MB that php.ini is usually set to and which is very often too low for WP/BP and can cause issues when too many processes are trying to run.

    I have to say though that given the other hosts/setups are fine this places issue firmly back with wpengine, although something else may be occurring.



    @hnla are you sure? I make 4194276 bytes roughly 4 megabytes.



    @henrywright er um yep, sorry I can’t count the very big numbers.




    A possible avenue to explore might be this value causing issues, it’s one wpengine have stated is or was a factor in a script problem for one of their clients.

    The possible workaround for this it to add this to your .htaccess file with a new value, default is 1000
    php_value max_input_vars 2000



    Many thanks @hnla ,

    changed that as advised to 2000. (purged caches and reset permissions) no change

    pushed it to 4000 – no change

    Also in htaccess is php_value memory_limit 200M

    and now i put in wp-config.php — define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘200M’);

    Still no change!

    (i am quite puzzled that this only happens with this theme on this server. not with other themes on this server and not at all on other servers)

    Could this be related to whatever software this server is running on ?



    Can’t advise further really, that was a possible ‘thing’ to look at but if to no avail then ensure any of those related changes removed.



    i am quite puzzled that this only happens with this theme on this server. not with other themes on this server and not at all on other servers

    What is this particular theme doing differently? I hate these kind of problems but once you can figure that out, you have the source of the problem.



    What is this particular theme doing differently?

    The Kleo theme has “cascading” effects. (i don’t know the technical term/description)

    If you have the time please visit and get onto members or groups pages to see this effect.

    In the meantime i provided above a working test version on the HostingIreland server

    Now here is the working test version on the relatively inexpensive shared-hosting Hostgator server. username: test password: henrywright

    (Both of those installations are multisite/multinetwork – so in theory should be sucking a load memory)



    Multisite feature not working,is it the integration issue??




    please don’t jump into others threads if you’re not concerned by “Problem on one server/host only” Or at least give details about YOUR issue, bp version and used theme.
    Preferably open a new topic and give details.
    Thank you.



    @nexus66 commented:

    Multisite feature not working,is it the integration issue??

    Can see where you’re coming from !
    helens blog etc —
    i reactivatived that test installation (after 2 half years) just to see if i could replicate the Kleo activity problem.

    Now that storeruby installation has been untouched so… there will be other features not working…

    ok to the problem/idea/solution at hand – check if multisite is functioning properly

    go back to (again multi-site-multi-network on inexpensive shared hosting) username: bingo password: bingo1!

    check blogs tab or click on first link in activity stream — that appears ok to me.

    and the activity stream appears to be functioning as it should.

    so i don’t believe that its a “multisite” problem per se.




    just am really grateful for any any leads whatsoever.

    I just followed @nexus observations up and the slight anomaly he alluded to re multisite on that installation was due to particular sites using an out of date theme.

    That has now been remedied.

    So my original problem outlined in the first post of this thread still stands 100% (unfortunately)




    Yesterday there was a general notification from wpengine about a wordpress bug notified on that effected some installations on some of the wpengine servers.

    I had hoped that maybe this would explain the anomaly outlined above.

    So i put the theme on an installation on wp-engine with wp v.3.9.2

    No change i’m afraid .
    i’m not finding the above error in the error logs of this installation


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