Update: There’s no buddypress option menu in the admin panel. I’m logged in as admin!
Sounds like your buddypress directories aren’t there. Can you ftp into the site and see buddypress in your plugins directory under “wp-content”?
Have you done any recent administration on the site? Major changes, minor tweaks?
Buddypress directories are all there. i checked. I’ve reinstalled WPMU and now backing up buddypress folders before installing the latest version of buddypress.. No I didn’t perform any upgrades/tweaks recently. They were done in past and the site ran fine for weeks before this nasty error appeared.
That’s pretty scary. Good luck.
Did you rename the buddypress directory? You can’t.
Is bp active sitewide in the plugins page?
Hello Burt, very good to see your response.
Did you rename the buddypress directory? You can’t
=> no, I didn’t.
Is bp active sitewide in the plugins page?
=> I can’t see plugins option in the admin panel even if I’m logged in as an admin.
No, I didn’t do anything. I got a call from one of the members that the site’s showing some error message.
Adding to the observations above, I can’t see the various themes installed as well. 
Right now, I’m overwriting my wpmu files with 2.7.1 and see if I see the ‘Plugins’ menu in the admin panel.
I’m keeping the config.php file intact.
This is really strange
. I overwrote all the wordpress installation files but still don’t see the ‘plugins’ option in the admin panel.
Also, even though the default theme is there, I can only see the default buddypress theme in ‘active’ theme. Other installed themes are not available.
“Buddypres” option is also missing from the left sidebar of admin panel.
Are you logging in as site admin?
“I can’t see plugins option in the admin panel even if I’m logged in as an admin.”
There’s a diff between a blog admin and the site admin.
Yes burt, I’m logged in as a site-admin. Using the same username and password that I used for site admin. Don’t know what’s going wrong with me today.
I tried to edit a user from the admin panel – and I get message “You do not have permission to edit this user”.
Now, how can I be so sure that I’m logged in as site admin and not ‘blog’ admin?
I think I’m one step closer now:
I verified, when I log in as a normal user, I don’t see wordpress version in the bottom of admin panel.
So in my current status, I’m NOT getting logged in as an administrator!
Can anyone tell me how do I login as an admin? {PS: I’m not a novice, and have performed admin functions many times. However, I think I’m forcefully being logged in as a non-admin even when I enter admin credentials}
Hmm… Something isn’t working correctly, because it still says “BP_PLUGIN_DIR” in the error message. Not saying this couldn’t be related to BuddyPress somehow, but it doesn’t sound like it.
Have you installed any other plugins recently? Can you FTP to your plugins directory and disable them one by one and see what happens?
I agree with Burt. My three questions and suggestions were going to be this:
- Are you running WPMU 2.7.1 or WordPress 2.8? You mention that you were running WPMU before. Did you upgrade to the beta version of WPMU 2.8 from trunk? Or, did you accidentally upgrade to WP 2.8? WPMU 2.8 is not yet in public release.
- What other plugins besides BP do you have activated? Have you tried removing them all except BP and see if you can get back to the plugins page?
- Have you tried removing BP and then seeing if the plugins page returns? If it does, then deactivate all other plugins and reinstall BP. What happens?
Did you recently upgrade bbPress? That was the exact error I got the other day when doing the bbPress upgrade. It made absolutely zero sense to me because the file was obviously there. It also deleted all abilities to see plugins & BuddyPress in admin. I know you said you didn’t do any upgrades or tweaks but maybe this one didn’t come to mind.
Did this behavior occur after installing the bbPress Integration plugin? Or, was it some other aspect of the overall bbPress integration?
On that particular install, all I did was remove everything from the bbPress folder except the bp-config. Then I pasted everything from the new version of bbPress in there and it just went crazy. LOL It started off with a wp-header error which I figured out & fixed (can’t remember how) but then this error came up about not being able to open the core signup page so I just started over.
Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you for your responses. The problem is now solved. However, I don’t know how! I wrote to the web host describing the problem and to the best of my guess, they changed few PHP.INI settings [Don’t know how it got messed?]
The system did not have bbpress. I’ve upgraded buddypress to latest stable and everything seems to be working fine now.
To answer the questions :-
1. Are you running WPMU 2.7.1 or WordPress 2.8? You mention that you were running WPMU before. Did you upgrade to the beta version of WPMU 2.8 from trunk? Or, did you accidentally upgrade to WP 2.8? WPMU 2.8 is not yet in public release.
-> I did not upgrade accidently. In fact, one of the members reported that there was an error. The system was running fine with WPMU 2.7.1 and BP 1.0 (the first stable release) and then suddenly the error popped up.
2. What other plugins besides BP do you have activated? Have you tried removing them all except BP and see if you can get back to the plugins page?
-> I do not have any other plugin than BP.
3. Have you tried removing BP and then seeing if the plugins page returns? If it does, then deactivate all other plugins and reinstall BP. What happens?
-> No, I didn’t try that. I could not deactivate any plugins, because I couldn’t see the plugins in the admin panel!
From the overall experience, it looks like the issue was with me signing in as site-admin but ending up in blog admin panel (anyone knows why this happened?)
If you made no changes & a call to your webhost fixed it, I’d say they did some changes to the server that made everything go crazy. Then when you called & they realized what happened, they fixed it.
But…. YAY!! lol So glad to see you’re back up and running correctly.
I managed to get that error again. Turns out I forgot to enable buddypress in the plugins. LOL Duh!!! Maybe this mistake will help others.
I think you’ve banged your head against the table too much, and that’s why you’ve been off your game, TheEasyButton!
Renaming this thread, since this was not a BuddyPress bug.
Guys, the nasty error is BACK. I’m hating it. This time I’m VERY sure it’s not a my host’s fault (its’ Media Temple).
Google this: “Warning: require(BP_PLUGIN_DIR/bp-core/bp-core-signup.php)” and you get hell lot number of sites that have the same error.
Possibly a bug in BuddyPress? Please fix this! I’m beginning to bang my head on the wall now.