“BuddyPress” logo on the top left hand side
How can I change that little logo to my own logo, or even remove it? I want to keep the “BuddyPress” link on the footer, but need to remove it from the top left hand side.
Thank you;
Howdy. That little logo lives in the directory /wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-core/images
You can point bp to something more to your liking if you are comfortable with code.
Since long lines of code don’t paste well here see: http://pastie.org/347661
I have that running in a little plugin that does a bunch of utility bp mods I need done. You could put a modification of that in your theme’s functions.php file if you like.
If you change the dimensions of the image at all you’ll have to skin the css for the admin bar also. It lives at: /wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-core/css/admin-bar.css
I don’t think that the admin bar css can be overridden in bp’s custom.css yet. I may be wrong though.
Probably way more than you cared to know about changing a little smidgen of an image ‘eh?
Here are my easier solutions.
Only easier because I’m not as technical as Burt.
1) You can replace that image with your own. Call it the same name and be prepared to reupload it everytime you upgrade.
2) I was going to say edit custom.css, but I just tested it. It doesn’t work. Burt, you were right.
function my_admin_bar_logo() {
add_filter( 'bp_admin_bar_logo_src', 'my_admin_bar_logo' );
?>Place that in a php file and include it in mu-plugins. You won’t have to hack any of the core using this method.
I may be late to the party on this thread, but thanks for the simple non-core hacking solution!
Is there any chance that a simple plugin like this could be used for replacing the “Social Network” image as well?
Howdy, that logo seems to live in css and you can override it by changing this:
#header h1 a {
text-indent: -999em;
background: url(../images/logo.gif) top left no-repeat;
overflow: hidden;
width: 214px;
height: 35px;
display: block;
float: left;
line in /themes/buddypress-home/css/base.css. You really don’t want to change it, you really want to create a file in that same directory as base.css and call it site-wide.css
Make your override mods there. There’s a file in there called site-wide-sample.css that explains it.
Great! I’ll have a look at site-wide-sample.css!
I replaced the images/logo.gif with my own graphic, and made a file called site-wide.css and it had either no effect, or not the desired effect. The graphic changed, I can see the top of my graphic in there, but the top section of the site cuts it off. I put this in my site-wide.css:
#attempt to make the logo area larger
#header h1 a {
text-indent: -999em;
background: url(../images/logo.gif) top left no-repeat;
overflow: hidden;
width: 550px;
height: 141px;
display: block;
float: left;
Any guidance appreciated!
If you’ve BPDEV plugins installed go in WP-ADMIN => BPDEV-ADMIN => PLUGINS => BPDEV Theme and change the logo link
I understand custom.css is buggy as previously pointed out, but I’m having a problem with site-wide.css.
I’ve changed the logo via site-wide.css, and on member profile page it shows correctly. But on top page (home), still the “social networking” logo is displayed.
I was editing a wrong file.
Thanks for this helpful post, I was able to customize the graphics! I had to take the admin_bar_logo.gif background image and center it over admin_bar_logo.gif, because the transparency wasn’t working well in my Photoshop Save for web. So, my logo is not transparent, but it fits with the menu bar background.
I\\\’ve tried replacing this:
\\\’ **** Default BuddyPress admin bar logo ********
function bp_adminbar_logo() {
global $bp;
echo \\\’root_domain . \\\’\\\”><img id=\\\”admin-bar-logo\\\” src=\\\”\\\’ . apply_filters( \\\’bp_admin_bar_logo_src\\\’, site_url( MUPLUGINDIR . \\\’ … admin_bar_logo.gif\\\’ ) ) . \\\’\\\” alt=\\\”\\\’ . apply_filters( \\\’bp_admin_bar_logo_alt_text\\\’, __( \\\’BuddyPress\\\’, \\\’buddypress\\\’ ) ) . \\\’\\\” >\\\’;
with this:
\\\’ **** Default BuddyPress admin bar logo ********
function bp_adminbar_logo() {
global $bp;
echo \\\’root_domain . \\\’\\\”>Home\\\’;
That should only replace the img with text, but for some reason it messes up the entire top line navigation. Apparently there\\\’s some code mixed in with the already overcomplicated img link that\\\’s required for what follows after. What and why?!
Aaarrrggghhh…. I give up. It’s impossible to show the code without it becoming a mess.
[code 1="a" 2="bit" 3="to" 4="avoid" 5="escaping" 6="mess" language="modified"][/code]
Aaarrrggghhh…. I give up. It’s impossible to show the code without it becoming a mess.
Is there a way to replace the img with just the word ‘Home’ in the same font/style as the rest of the navigation?
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