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Buddypress Messes Up My RSS Feed

  • @sagraphics


    I have an rss feed which goes through to a mailchimp campaign. When activating buddypress, the rss feed in mailchimp shows the full text rather than the excerpt. Deactivating buddypress then feeds through just the excerpt. Any ideas?

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  • @sagraphics


    I could really do with a solution as my newsletters go out automatically every Friday morning…



    BuddyPress does not modify the WordPress blog post RSS feed.

    I tested this locally and cannot reproduce the problem. You must have another plugin that is modifying blog post excerpts.



    So with buddy press enabled, the RSS feed to the newsletter is messed up, yet when disabled, the feed to the newsletter displays perfectly. Doesn’t this mean buddypress/bbpress is messing it up?



    Since you provided very little information, I can only interpret your post from what you have written.

    What is the “RSS feed to the newsletter”? Is this just a RSS feed to the main WordPress blog post RSS feed?

    I have both BuddyPress and bbPress installed and these plugins do not affect the main blog post RSS feed (



    We use RSS script merge tags in Mailchimp to pull our feed through from our wordpress site each week and automatically send out a newsletter to our subscribers:

    This was working perfectly with a title, image and summary for each post, but when we enabled Buddypress with bbPress, each item on the newsletter would show the full text of the post rather than a summary. Once Buddypress was deactivated, the Mailchimp newsletter was given just the summary again for each post and worked perfectly.



    You haven’t mentioned what your feed is. Is it the main site’s RSS feed ( A category feed?

    You should disable all BuddyPress plugins that might be interacting with blog posts.



    The RSS feed we are using is a simple category feed from our “Featured” category. Which Buddypress plugins would be interacting with blog posts? I’m new to BP.



    List all your plugins.



    My client has informed me that it’s specifically bbpress that is affecting the feed. Disable this and the feeds work perfectly. Enable bbpress and the feeds to the newsletter show the full text rather than the summary. I will update on the bbpress forum post I opened previously.

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