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Buddypress Needs Chat Support – Very Discouraging When Everything Goes Wrong!

  • crissy1130


    I am new to Buddypress and have been trying to integrate buddypress into an existing site (that’s almost done)
    But I have been having so much trouble getting this to work properly or the way it’s supposed to..have not been able to find any of the issues in the Forum or on the community and at this point I AM GETTING VERY DISCOURAGED!!!
    There needs to be a way to speak one on one with support for when people have as much trouble as I seem to be – AND I have uninstalled, Cleared by browsing data and reinstalled the plugin a few times now… and still can’t get it to work the way it’s supposed to!
    I have gone to YouTube I have looked through the Forum here, I have gone to the Facebook Community – I have exhausted every way I could possibly get support and am still stuck in the same spot I have been for hours… Please help…anyone!

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  • thinlizzie


    Totally agree.
    If you have a technical issue with Buddypress then you are likely to struggle to get any proper assistance on this forum.
    It’s very unfortunate.
    And this is the official, recommended support forum for Buddypress? Really?
    I understand Buddypress is free, costs zero to use.
    That’s great!
    But zero technical support … not great.

    Crissy, you might try contacting the guys at the Buddydev website, they might help you.

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