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Buddypress on multisite, segregates users. Help!

  • jerryskate



    So i have a multiste, where my secondary theme is a dedicated buddypresstheme. My problem is that buddy press segregates from the two themes. I have buddy press as a regular plugin on my main site, network activated, and my theme already have it integrated, what i can understand.

    If i make a post on my main site, it shows up on my secondary theme´s activity wall, just like it should. But if i click on the username, it takes me to the main sites buddypress. Same with the admin toolbar, if I’m on my main theme, the toolbar links gets me to the main sites buddy press, and if I’m on my secondary, the links works like they should.

    So how do i integrate the themes and buddypress? If a deactivate buddy press on my main site, new post from there won’t show up in the activity stream on the buddy press theme.

    thankful for any help!

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  • John James Jacoby


    What you’re asking for is something we used to call “Multiblog Mode” back in the day. It’s not a popular configuration, because it’s usually pretty confusing to users.

    You can enable it a few different ways:

    • define( 'BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG', true ); in your wp-config.php
    • add_filter( 'bp_is_multiblog_mode', '__return_true' ); in an mu-plugin

    There’s not a ton of documentation about multiblog, but it will make BuddyPress behave like you’re looking for it to.



    Didn’t work for me.. But i redirected the admins titellinks, and hid the toolbar for regular users, seems to work good enough.



    Hmm seems like my solution didn’t work as good as i wanted, so the multiblog option would be best. Cant get it to work though. My main theme has buddy press as a plugin, the second one have it integrated. How should i configure it to work?

    Thanks for the help!



    Here´s an example. I wrote a post on my main site that have buddypress installed as a plugin, and it shows up on my other site in the network that is integrated buddy press theme.

    If i click at the my name, jerry, it points to the site where i made the post,, instead of Stuff i do at the sub site, works as it should, but not the activity from the main site.

    Is it possible to fox this?

    Thanks for the help!



    Ok, i just suddenly solved this. I added these lines to my hatches:

    RedirectMatch 301 ^/members/(.*)$$1
    RedirectMatch 301 ^/groups/(.*)$$1
    RedirectMatch 301 ^/blogs/(.*)$$1
    RedirectMatch 301 ^/forums/(.*)$$1

    placed them just above # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin

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