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BuddyPress Profile Photo Upload Issue – Disappearing Images

  • @kryzdev


    Hello Support Team,

    I’m experiencing a frustrating issue with BuddyPress on my website. When users (including myself as Admin) try to upload a profile photo or banner, the media uploader works, and the image appears to upload successfully, displaying the “Profile picture updated successfully” message. However, upon refreshing the page or navigating to another section, the uploaded image disappears, and the profile reverts to having no profile image.

    Despite trying various plugins to manage upload sizes and file types, none of them make any changes. Deactivating all plugins didn’t resolve the issue either. The only temporary solution was switching themes, but I’ve invested significant time customizing my current theme, and starting over would mean losing all that work.

    I’ve tried:

    – Clearing cache
    – Using different browsers
    – Deactivating all plugins
    – Switching themes (temporarily resolved the issue, but the image disappeared again when switching back)

    Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated to resolve this issue and retain my theme and profile photos in BuddyPress.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • @venutius


    Sounds like it’s your theme then.



    Correct, any troubleshooting tips to resolve the issue would be helpful.



    I’d contact your theme creator and ask if they will help with the problem. And, to be honest, if they won’t help, I’d either ditch the theme, or create your own theme based on that theme and fix it yourself. There’s quite a few debug tools that might help with this, but if you are not a programmer, and your theme developer will not fix it, there is not really a solution.

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