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BuddyPress Profile Privacy Extension

  • raminjan


    Mr. modemlooper I didn’t want to put your name in the title but I love your amazing plugin and was just wondering to know if you could please set all options to default checked so that nobody can see the user’s stuff but still leave the option for the user to change this to me, friends and so on. Your plugin is awesome but if you could please add this default feature it will be awesome. and also one more feature which I found with another plugin but it would be awesome if your plugin would have this too to wrap it up as a complete privacy plugin and that is allowing the user to decide who can message them.

    for your reference there’s a plugin called Messaging restriction I was wondering to know if you could please tweak your plugin. thanks man. I hope I am not asking for too much.

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  • modemlooper


    Are you referring to the profile fields or the tabs?



    you know the check boxes let me post a screen shot from image shack. I am referring to this picture it is your plugin. You have the “let the user decide” drop down option but if you could just please add the default “friends only” check boxes and add the private messaging it would be superb. I would personally greatly appreciated thanks. I tried others but it was too much of hassle for user if they would want to go that deep I want something simple as yours so even my grandpa would be able to set his privacy settings thanks again.

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