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BuddyPress Profiles and Members List Plugin

  • @ferguson4848


    I am working on a member based site where it would be quite helpful if users could search for other users based on zip code or other location based proximity searches. As far as I’ve seen this is not a basic ability inside BuddyPress.

    I did find the GEO my WP, but it requires the user to set their location with a map and such, and as far as I can tell this cannot be a required field to fill out.

    In my searching I came across the Members List Plugin which has a zip code radius search. Which works great, but the results pull from the default WP users rather than the BuddyPress ones.

    Does anyone know of anyway to either A. Get the Members List to display the BuddyPress Profiles in search or B. imbed the Members List search query inside the BuddyPress search feature.

    Or C. something completely different that still accomplishes the goal.

    Thanks for any thoughts.

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  • @ferguson4848


    Any ideas?




    if you create a profile field for zip codes and then search /members/?s=90210 it should list any member who put 90210 in a profile field



    Yes, that would work. But then the other member would have to be in that exact zip code. In many places zip codes might be very near one another so more than one might actually be ‘Near by”.

    If that makes sense.

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