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BuddyPress & S2Member

  • @ryanllogan


    Hello. I have S2Member configured to redirect logins to a Getting Started page. This is working just fine. From that Getting Started page…

    If I click on the BP admin bar and go to Edit My Profile, nothing happens.

    If I click on the BP admin bar and go to Profile > Edit, that takes me to ‘Editing ‘Base’ Profile Group’.

    In the end, my goal is to have users hit the Getting Started page and then they will be guided from there, rather than relying on the BP Admin bar. I have a button “Edit Your Profile”, that I want the user to click and then be taken directly to their profile for editing.

    I’m not sure if this is an S2Member “hijacking” issue or what.

    Thank you,

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  • @ryanllogan


    The button is configured as /members/%%current_user_nicename%%/profile/, as recommended by S2Member, but that results in a 400 Bad Request.

    Just trying to figure out why BP > Edit My Profile has anything to do with S2Member and possible URL hijacking..

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