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buddypress settings no save option

  • @sounds



    First time install using the latest WordPress version,
    Buddypress installs fine, but when I go to the settings,
    There’s 3 tabs there,Components, Pages, Options.
    There’s no save option for the first two tabs.

    I tried disabeling all plugins but no joy.

    There’s a message at the top, don’t know if that has anything to do with it?

    The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Members, Activity Streams, Activate, Register. Repair


    Any help appreciated,
    Thanks later!

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  • @djpaul


    Well… that sure is super odd. It’s working for me on a couple of sites.



    I have just created the 4 pages, Members, Activity Streams, Activate, Register
    No luck yet, I’ll delete, reinstall BP and see if it recognises my 4 new pages.
    the first time i installed BP it had the 4 pages already filled in, not this time…

    Reinstalled, no save button, pages not selected under page tab.



    BTW I just noticed, hitting ENTER saved the Components settings,
    But that doesn’t work for the Pages tab.

    Under the Pages tab I can see a new field for Groups, clicking View shows the Groups page,
    However the other 4 fields, activity, active, members, register, can’t view those pages.
    It takes me back to the BP settings page instead, no save button at the bottom.



    Great well time to move onto a platform with support.




    I was a bit exhausted sorry folks, anyone out there



    Still no joy, no save button.
    I did a manual install this time.



    Do you have a bunch of plugins activated?

    One of your plugins could be unintentionally hiding the “Save” button.

    If you are able to, you could also check your browser’s page source or HTML inspector to see if the “Save” button is hidden. When you’re on the admin page, right-click the page and if you’re using Firefox or IE, select “Inspect Element”; if you’re using Chrome, select “Inspect”.



    I just diactivated all plugins, then installed BP again, still no save button.

    Using chrome to inspect elements for BuddyPress Settings page: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
    load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core&ver=4.6:9 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)



    In Chrome, when you use “Inspect”, do a search for 'bp-admin-component-submit':

    Chrome Inspect screenshot

    If you do not find it, something is eliminating it from the output. Could also be a browser extension.

    You could also try a different browser to see if this is only happening in your version of Chrome.



    Ah no luck, I tried it in firefox also,
    If I search page source I can see bp-admin-component-submit
    But I can’t see it when I inspect it in chrome or firefox



    I can see it in chrome




    Answer – Use a default theme when editing those settings.

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