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buddypress-skeleton-component error while installation

  • @svenl77


    If I try to activate this plugin I get this error:

    Warning: require() [function.require]: Unable to access /data/wwwcust/sv3-4/html/wp-content/plugins/bp-example/bp-example-classes.php in /data/wwwcust/sv3-4/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-skeleton-component/bp-example.php on line 93

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  • @jeffsayre



    It looks like you’ve improperly installed the Skeleton Component. You should not have a directory called /buddypress-skeleton-component/. That is just the packaging the component comes in.

    What you need to do is copy /bp-example/ and bp-example.php into /wp-content/plugins/ and then activate the plugin.



    I installed it from the plug-in browser because of I couldn’t get it to work.

    If I move it to /wp-content/plugins/ the whole mu site is blank. just a white screen.



    I tested it with a new installation of buddypress without problems.

    But if try it with my working installation copying all in /wp-content/plugins/ it gives me a blank page. So I get the error before I’m able to activate it.

    I deactivate all plugins. but still the same issue.

    I don’t want to reinstall the hole wpmu bbpress and buddypress site.

    Also all ather plugins I use are working without problem.

    The mu and buddypress site is working correctly.

    Is there a way to find the error?

    Or do i need to reinstal the hole working installation and hope that it will work after?




    Are you trying to install the BP Skeleton Component on an active site? The reason I ask is that you should use the Skeleton Component for developing your own custom BuddyPress plugins. You use the files, code your own solution, then activate your new custom plugin on your development server and test.

    There is no reason you would need to reupload WPMU, BuddyPress, or bbPress. The Skeleton Component will not provide any functionality on your site. You simply use it as a general template for coding your own custom plugins.



    Hi, thanks for the nice support. Yes I know it is for developing. I was wondering, thinking a example should work. But it was my stupidity. There was an old bp-dev plugin example in my plugin folder I think that curse the problem.

    Thanks and Sorry



    Hey, no reason to say sorry!

    There are too many variables of which to keep track. It is sometimes necessary to bounce issues off of others.

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