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Buddypress theme?

  • @shnooka30


    Has anyone created a theme yet that resembles functionality and look? It sucks using the default theme when this sites theme is so much nicer.

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  • @kevinryman


    I am also interested in this question. :P




    I have bought some great premium wordpress themes and I want to upgrade one to use for Buddypress 1.0 post RC2 release. I can use the skeleton for the members profile.

    What I need are the hooks to turn a wordpress theme into a Buddypress theme.

    I think this was available for RC1 but with the changes to RC2+ we will need the updated hooks.

    I have searched for this but can’t seem to find it.

    Any suggestions.





    The documentation/codex area provides a ton of documentation that can help you with all of these things, but there is no magic button you can press to make this happen.

    There are dozens of functions and loops that need to be installed and addressed on several files and themes to make all of BuddyPress work the way it does. All we can do is document them for you, and let you give it a try yourself. It’s up to the growing audience of BP developers to start creating themes for 1.0, and that will eventually happen, I guarantee it.

    If you’re in over your head and desperate for a theme asap, it may be time to hire someone to help you out. If you’re not looking for custom functionality and simply want a revamped BP theme, I might suggest joining the WordPress developers mailing lists and asking some WP professionals for assistance. Otherwise right now we’re pretty lenient about users asking for specific requests here (meaning we will lock the topic but we won’t delete it or spam it.)



    Thanks for the response.

    I bought the themes from StudioPress and see they have made a Grunge Buddypress theme for another client. I will try and contract them to do the same for myself.

    Unfortunately since we will be using a purchased theme, I would not be able to make it open to everyone, however I will ask StudioPress to consider adding it to their product list for sale.

    I will also look at the coding myself as I am generally good with be able to follow systems that are well documented. If this is the case I will look into creating themes using free/gpl wordpress themes. What my clients have been after is more of a wordpress modular feel than buddypress.

    I am also looking into integrating phpMotion and will report back to this forum as my clients all want locally hosted/owned video/images site wide and on user profiles.



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