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buddypress "what's new" customizing

  • @beda69



    i hav einstalled BP on my multisite.

    i have following problems:

    the “post update” button is “hidden” and only shows up after “clic” in the “whats new” text area” (of course this is default)
    but then you need to scroll down a little bit in the same area where the (post update” button is, in order to be able to hit the button. and this is quiet annoying for users.
    i nedd that button to be fixed and at least after “clic” in text area he should show up without any further need to scroll or similar.

    when writing in text area, and hitting return, the text will break to a new line, which is ok, but the distance between the first and the second text line is HUGE, almost tree times bigger then the text size itself.
    ugly. is there any chance to change that?

    thank you a lot for indicating me the right code lines to change, i wasn’t able to find it neither in .css nor in other sheets….

    beda schmid

    if you indicate me where to upload screenshots, i can upload them so its maybe more understandable…. 🙂

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  • @beda69



    i edited xyxyxyxy/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/css/buddypress.css file until i had the look i needed.

    (firefox debugger is a great help)

    remains to find the code lines to change distance (height) in-between single comments lines and comment headers/next comment.

    maybe anybody has the gratitude to indicate me the lines i must edit?

    thank you,


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