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Bug with link posts in activity page

  • @nirgalo


    BuddyPress 2.0.1:

    1. go to the Activity page, post a new note such as the following:
    here is the link :
    2. go to the Members page, look at the note you just posted : it appears in between double quotes
    3. from this Members page, click on the link inside the note

    Expected result : new page opens with the link
    Actual result : new page opens but the link doesn’t load, because the ending double quote is part of the link (”)

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  • @henrywright


    This could be down to your theme. What theme are you using?



    I am using this theme. I doubt it comes from the theme though, this is the not the theme which is formatting the link I guess.



    How is the ending double quote being inserted to the page? As far as I am aware this can only come from the theme.



    well this is function bp_get_member_latest_update() (bp-members-template.php) that is formatting this and inserting the quotes:

    $update_content = apply_filters( 'bp_get_activity_latest_update_excerpt', sprintf( _x( '- "%s "', 'member latest update in member directory', 'buddypress' ), trim( strip_tags( bp_create_excerpt( $update['content'], $length ) ) ) ) );

    if I remove the " in code above it fixes the problem. Looks very much like a bug in BuddyPress and not the theme, probably caused by the usage of trim().



    Right! I see what you mean. You could try letting the guys know over at BuddyPress Trac by raising a new ticket:

    They’ll be able to take a look



    I believe this was recently fixed here:

    nirgalo – Apply that change and see if that fixes things.



    I have tried that but that does not fix the problem. In fact, if I replace
    "%s " with " %s " (just added a space in between the first quote and %s) it fixes the problem: when " and %s are together as in "%s, it makes the regular double quote (straight) to be changed into a fancy double quote (sort of curly), and this is what is creating the problem. When adding a space, this transformation doesn’t occur and there is no problem.



    please note the problem occurs on the Members page (where the note is displayed), not the Activity page (where the note is entered).



    For reference this bug has been confirmed and is being tracked here :

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