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Building a forum with bbPress & using BuddyPress to handle the login/profiles

  • @jimmiejo


    In trying to find the definitive process for integrating bbPress and BuddyPress to create a forum, with sophisticated user profiles.

    bbPress is a fantastic forum application, but falls a little short when it comes to plugins and features (compared to WordPress). Having it work hand-in-hand with BuddyPress (WPMU) is a fantastic premise, but I can’t seem to find a definitive guide to doing this.

    The best I’ve found is nearly a year old:

    And fails to achieve synchronized logins or true integration with the latest versions.

    So I was wondering, if we could collectively lay out the steps to integrating the latest versions of each of the big 3 apps:

    • WordPress MU 2.8.6
    • BuddyPress 1.1.2
    • bbPress 1.0.2

    My goal is to have WPMU and BuddyPress as the root install (, bbPress in a /forums/ sub-directory (, and have the users and logins synced between the two. has essentially done this already, and I’d love to know how :)

    I should say, I’m not looking to use the Groups or Forums functionality of BuddyPress, just primarily the profiles. Private messaging would be nice, but that’s just icing on the WP-Buddy-BB cake :)

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  • @xevo


    Done that, been there. Works brilliantly.

    1. Install WPMU.

    2. Install Buddypress.

    3. Change your keys in wp-config.php.

    4. Install bbPress with intergrated settings (make sure you use the new keys you made). Make sure you install it in /forums and not in /forum because buddypress will nicely redirect his own /forums to your newly made bbPress install.

    5. When everything works good, use this plugin.

    Edit: Btw, if you wanna use buddypress login/profiles you can just use redirects.

    Worked a charm for me. :)



    Thanks Xevo.

    I tried your process, but it just doesn’t seem to work for me. I’ll give it another shot this evening, but think there might be a few more steps (details) to your instructions, that I’m overlooking.



    Is there a error of some sort or does it just do nothing? I just did those 5 steps and I had a integrated bbpress and shared user database.



    Hey jimmiejo,

    Use TheEasyButton’s most recent tutorial:

    This worked for me.



    Thanks for the updated link, r-a-y.

    That step-by-step guide worked like a charm.

    Really appreciate your help. Cheers!

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