Hi. Newbie here. I recently discovered that if you add the parameter display_comments=threaded it will nest the comments in an array “comments” as a new entry in the response for each item.
Hi Biker, your answer works, thank you very much for enlightening me, I checked documentation again, and it’s there, but I don’t know how I didn’t see it probably it wasn’t clear for me.
I really appreciate your help, I’m pretty sure your answer will help others too
display_comments string No comments by default, stream for within stream display,
threaded for below each activity item.
Default: ”
2 years, 11 months ago
What’s the REST API endpoint to get activity with comments, Or what’s the endpoint to get comments?
I’m using this endpoint getting the last 10 activity but no comments are associated
I’m using the latest WordPress and buddyPress version and have no problems, everything works fine,
I can not share link to my company website for NDA contract reasons