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Bypass Login for Profiles to go Live

  • @ryangambrill


    I am using a tool to bulk import user profiles via CSV. It seems that there is a requirement for each user to login prior to the profile being viewable on the site.

    Is there a way to bypass this requirement so that once the data is uploaded via CSV, the profiles are fully active?

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  • @ryangambrill


    I have been searching for a plugin that would allow me the functionality for all imported profiles to immediately be displayed in the community. Unfortunately I have yet to find anything.

    This functionality is imperative when transitioning from one platform to another. Without it, my community looks as though it has Zero members when in reality we have a few thousand profiles. Waiting for each member to login for the first time, in order for the profile to be live is not a feasible option.

    I cannot believe that I am the first person to require this feature. Can anyone help? I am really sunk right now and need to get this community transitioned ASAP!



    There’s a record in the user meta table that would need to be set (‘bp_last_activity’). Try and see if it’s working.



    I am going to try that Plugin and let you know if that works.

    I do have a field header in my CSV “Last Visit”. Would it be possible for me to change that header to “bp_last_activity”? What format is required for that cell?

    Thinking that if I get the correct heading and format, the profiles should activate immediately upon import.




    I don’t know how you’re importing the CSV, or what you’re mapping it to. Maybe. The easy way to find out the format is to log in, and then go and find the record belonging to your user in the DB.



    I ran the plugin. Got LOTS of errors but the table was still generated.

    The profile imported:

    X Profile – Yes
    BP Activity – NO
    Last Activity – NO



    I am using the NING to BP importer from WPMUDEV. The good news is that the plugin will create new Meta fields for anything in my CSV that does not already exist. If it does exist, it will (supposedly) match.

    You are stating that the name of the last activity field is “bp_last_activity”. Should I try the header:

    bp last activity
    or something else?



    Also, what is the format that BP will look for when it attempts to read the “Last Activity”?

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