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Call to undefined method stdClass::have_posts()

  • @splatterrific


    I am using:
    Wordpress Version 3.4.1
    bbPress Version 2.1
    BuddyPress Version 1.5.6
    Tersus Theme Version 1.3 (

    I created additional forums via Forums > New Forums ( Then I proceeded to create a new topic to test it out. It seemed fine. Went back to open the topic, and this is where the error is being thrown.

    Here is a screenshot of what’s happening

    Error says:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::have_posts() in /home/…/…/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-reply-template.php on line 168

    Notice also, that the page title being displayed is from one of the WordPress posts that came with auto-importing dummy data for the theme.

    I know a link to the site would help, but I am working with a client who’s not comfortable getting the link out before site-live time. So, sorry about that.

    I asked for help from WordPress Forum support, and was told that this was most probably a theme compatibility issue. So I went to the theme’s support forum.

    Last night, the theme’s author/s were helpful enough to guide me through what I assume are the usual stuff in troubleshooting this kind of stuff.

    Here are the things I’ve done so far:
    1. Disabled all plugins apart from bbPress – this resulted to the forum giving me a 404
    2. Enabled BuddyPress – this brought back the forums, but with the same issue
    3. Emptied all sidebar widgets that have to do with the theme.
    4. Used the other theme package (bbPress Twenty Ten).
    5. Deleted the function referenced in the error. Led to some new error. This was a desperate, illogical attempt on my part so i undid that.
    6. Deleted the wordpress post being shown in the page title. It just displayed the title of the next wordpress post in line.
    Note: every time i check to see if that fixed it, i do a clear-cache-reload, just so i’m sure nothing in cache was giving me this headache.

    I really hope someone could help out.. Has anyone seen this kind of error ever been documented elsewhere?

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  • @djpaul


    > Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::have_posts() in /home/…/…/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-reply-template.php on line 168

    Your error is coming from bbPress, not BuddyPress. Please post on the forums for help.

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