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Can BuddyPress Do This?

  • @southeastinstalls


    I want to build a site that allows members to join to participate in forum discussions after they login. All members of the site will be in the same industry but work in various cities around the US.

    But I also want to be able to set up the site as a vehicle for them to promote (advertise) their business to people (non-members) in their local areas. Are the member profiles “public”? What information is displayed in a public (non-member) view? I would not want non-members seeing comments made by members in the various discussion boards.

    I am hoping that if BP can do this, that the end result would be something similar to combining Angie’s List or Yelp! with Facebook.

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  • @danbp


    yes, you can have all this !
    Profiles are public, but you can set them as “members only”.
    And each member can choose the field visibility. Also it is very easy to let some fields public, allow to members or only to users friends.

    You can also hide comments with your conditionnals.

    Discover here all buddypress features and read a bit the codex to see all things you can realize with buddypress.

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