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Can I replace bp_create_excerpt with the_excerpt?

  • @takuya


    Is there way I can replace bp_create_excerpt and wp’s the_excerpt when showing activity and recent blogs using widgets?

    I tried to relace but it didn’t work.

    The reason is that bp_create_excerpt can’t properly show non English content, but wp’s the_excerpt works great. If this is possible, I could solve one of my problems of my buddypress site…

    Anyone know?

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  • @djpaul


    Hmm bp_create_excerpt fakes an excerpt on any content, whereas the_excerpt pulls the excerpt from a blog post. I don’t think you can except to change any/all of the calls and expect them to work.

    I suggest you visit and submit this as a bug report. I think it would be a good idea if you attach perhaps a text file or similar to the post with an example of non-English content that triggers this error on your system, so when Andy fixes it, he has a test case.



    It’s actually already been on trac quite some time, with no response. Since developers seems busy, I was looking for alternative method until the bug is fixed.

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